
Friday, August 14, 2020

Book Week dress up day.

 Kia Ora bloggers welcome back to my blog!

This week it has been Book Week when we focus on books.

Yesterday we had to dress up as our favrouite book character. I dressed up as Redd from Seeing Redd. It is the real story of Alice in Wonderland. There is a series of book in the Seeing Redd trilogy. The 1st book is called The Looking Glass Wars, The 2nd book is Seeing Redd and the 3rd book is Arch enemy.

I was that lady on the cover.  In the middle of litracy we had a parade to show off our costumes. There were lots of different costumes. We has a giant Kangaroo as our Deputy Principal in the morning, 2 Artimus Fouls, my best friend Amelia was Arwen from Lord of the Rings. We also had a competition on who had the best cosutme. 
I looked like this:

The placings in my hub was

1st place:  Levi and Shannon who were Willy Wonka and an Oompa-Loompa. 
2nd place: Amelia as I already said was Arwen.
3rd place:  Honey was Katniss Everdeen

If you had to dress as a character from a book who would you dress as?

Ka Kite see you next time!

Friday, July 31, 2020

The stops your Coffee from leaking-er

Hello Bloggers welcome back to my blog!
I haven't had the time to do a Blog Post for a while because I've been away in Methven skiing.

Inquiry this term we have been focusing on our relationship with Computers. Can we be creators not just users?

I was with Miss Roberts and Miss Smith we foccused on 3D printing.
Our challenge was to make something that the community needed, design it on paper, then once the teacher had approoved we logged into Tinkercad and designed it on there.
Our design

Our teams had to be made of A Year 6 (Molly) A Year 5 (Me) A Boy (Scott) and a Girl (Holly)
 What do you think we could add?

Ka Kite see you next time!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

What I am Planning to do during the holidays.


What should I do in the holidays?

Oh hi Bloggers didn't see you there!

What do you think that I should do in the holidays?

Ok so first on Saturday night I am hoping that I could go to my friend Holly's house for a sleepover. We made a giant den over her bed that has disco lights on the inside and all sorts of fluffy things like Duvets, Pillows, Sheets and a kitten.
Wait what, KITTENS! Oh Yes now I remember Holly does have a cat a hyperallergenic one too!

Before I say anything else I think I should tell you WHY I'm having a holiday (well actually the whole school is but still:)
I am having a holiday because it is the end of 12 weeks of learning and we all need a break including the teachers. We get two weeks of freeness before we have to go back to learning. 

I am pretty exitied. 


Then after the Sleepover we are going to Methven to do some Skiing (I know how to Ski) and some smowboarding (I know how to Snowboard too!) and we are thinking of going down to visit Jackie and Jase from she Ski shop.
We might be staying in Methven for the whole holidays which I am a bit sad about cos then I can't have any more sleepovers:(
BUT Mum and Dad might change their minds and we might only stay in Methven for 1 week of the holidays:)
I will give you an update when I know the awnser myself!
For sale Lot 111 Camrose Estate, Methven -

We might be doing a bit of tennis and maybe just maybe go down to Ashburton swimming pool for a bit of a splash around.

What do you think you will end up doing in the holidays?
Are you going anywhere?
Do you know how to ski?
Do you know how to Snowboard?

Let me know!

Keep returning to my blog so I can tell you ALL about our sleepover tomorrow morning!

See Ya!

Friday, June 26, 2020

Smart Footprint: Public or Private

Kia Ora Bloggers!

Yesterday for Cybersmart our teacher gave us a bunch of different topics and then decide wether it was private or public.
I thought it was quite easy because I have done it before.

Do you know what public and private infomation is?
Do you think I got the answers wrong or right?

Let me know in the comments!

Ka Kite see you next time!

The World's Funniest Joke.

Kia Ora Bloggers,

For Inquiry this term my rotation was Adobe Spark. Mr Sutherland gave Miss Roberts and Miss Smith's homegroups the task to use Adobe Spark to tell a joke.

My Joke:

Have you used Adobe Spark before?
If you have any more questions ask me in the comments and I will answer in the next few days.

Ka Kite see you next time!

Can you think of another joke?

Friday, June 5, 2020

Dragon Writing

Kia Ora Bloggers!

A few days ago for Writing we had a picture of a dragon,
and we had to add

  • I see
  • I hear 
  • I smell 
  • I taste (Not that I would eat the Dragon!😆)
  • I feel 
  • AND
  • For this particular picture it's name
I used Canva  to make this presentation.

Have you used Canva before?
What did you make?

Ka Kite, see you next time!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

My Awesome Infomation report

Kia Ora bloggers!

A few days ago I made an infomation report for my litracy work.
I did it on Ring tailed lemurs.                                           

I used Adobe Spark

This is my finished presentation.

Ring Tailed Lemurs Report

Once I finished my one on Ring tailed lemur one I made on on my puppy Mika.

This is my second finished presentation


We had to include a
  • Title page
    1. Contents page
    2. Introduction
    3. Appearance
    4. What do they eat?
    5. When do they hunt?
    6. What are their predetors?
    7. Where do they live?
    8. Other Info and facts
    9. and finally a
    10.  Glossary.
    Have you made an infomation report before?
    If you have what did you do for your topic? Or did you do a biography? 

    Ka Kite see you next time!

    Friday, May 15, 2020

    Zoe's Birthday Party

    Kia Ora Bloggers!
    Yesterday was my sister Zoe's birthday.  

    Zoe was pretty lucky that it was on Thursday because Thursday was the first day of Level 2, and Zoe got to have friends over. She chose Amy, Braxton, Amelia, Max and Mabel who stayed Thursday night and she will stay on Friday and Saturday night.(Mabel and I just made the fact that she will stay 2 more nights up on the spot.)

    I really enjoyed that birthday party. There was a cake that I made, decorated and iced. It was very yum, yum, yummy! 

                                                           Our next door neibour Debbie                               (Mabel's Auntie) made these.

    I used Deli Cake to make the cake.

    Ka Kite see you next time!

    Friday, May 1, 2020

    Maths that makes me think hard

    Kia ora Bloggers!

    For maths this week I have been doing Transformation with Mrs Kerin. I am new to her group.
    Today I did Rotation.
    Mum helped me practise. This is my work. We plotted coordinates, I then moved them around using vectors and then I had to give the vector for the  moved shapes. This was to practise what Mrs Kerin had taught us.                                                                           
    I  then rotated the shapes 180 degrees around a point.

    We haven't done any food challanges this week, but my Auntie, Uncle and cousins have given us a scavenger hunt, and we need to present our awnsers/pictures in a way as creative as possible.
    I am in a team with Dad and Grandma. I am hopeing that my team will do a stopmotion for ours.

    Ka Kite see you next time!

    Thursday, April 23, 2020


    Kia Ora Bloggers

    You may remember we're doing themed dinner challenge this week and today it was Daddy & my turn! Can you guess what we did? We had great fun planning all the crazy Wacky Wednesday ideas such as shoes on the celing, socks on chair legs, toilet paper in the kettle and a sock on it's handle. My favrouite was when we swapped some of the cutlery with random things like toothbrushes, hairbrushes, chopsticks and things like that. I'll put some photos at the end of the post for you to look at.

    Before I tell you about the EPIC food, I must tell you about my sneaky slideshow.
    The idea was to make it look like a TV that's off and have Dr. Seuss characters pop up on the screen.
    Check it out below 

    Pretty sneaky don't you think!

    Now for the best bit. The Food.

    What's the first food you think of in Dr. Seuss?

    I bet you thought of Green Eggs and Ham!

    If you did, you are correct.

    If you want to do it too, this is how you make green eggs & ham.

    • First separate the egg yolks from the whites.
    • Put your each of your yolks into a different cup. 
    • Then put the whites in a bowl and make them green with some food colouring.
    • Just before you cook the egg, take a spoonful of the green egg whites and put it carefully into the cup with your yolk.
    • Pour it all straight into the pan (or BBQ like us).  When the [gtreen] whites go hard, its ready to eat!


    For desert, we did
    One fish 
    Two fish
    Red Fish
    Blue Fish
    which was chocolate fish in jelly.

    Can you think how we got the fish to swim inside the jelly?

    Here are a few pictures of the rest of the things we did

    Ten (Two) Apples up on top

    We had another themed dinner on Monday, you can read all about that on my Other Blog Post

    The challenge sounds pretty cool right!

    Do you think you should try this challenge?

    I think you should because it is so much fun!

    Tell me if you are going to in the comments and send me some photos!

    Ka Kite see you next time!

    Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    It's the middle of April and it's Christmas!

    Kia Ora Bloggers!

    Yesterday it was Christmas.
    It really was Christmas
    Here is a picture

    Let me explain why we are having Christmas in the middle of April. Mum set is a challenge.The challenge was to get into a pair (I'm paired up with Dad) and then you and you're buddy choose a theme. Our theme was ** ( sorry I can't tell you the theme until Wednesday) you'll find out my theme tomorrow. Once we had chosen our theme we had to plan a lot. We had to plan...
    • A THEME 
    • What we were going to cook
    • Drinks
    • Costume
    • Decoration
    • Serving
    • Dessert
    We also had a day to cook our dinner.
    Mum and Zoe's Day

    Me and Daddy's Day

    Grandma and Grandad's Day

    Sorry I still haven't told you why we are having Christmas in the middle of April have I?
    Well it is acully quite simple.
    Mum and Zoe chose Christmas for their theme and we had Roast Chicken for dinner, AND we even had presents after dinner! I got a bag of Dolly Mix (an English sweet)  Zoe got a pack of Waffles(she loves waffles!) Dad got a pack of M n M's (he loves them!) Mum got a bag of lickrish bullets (she loves them) Grandma and Grandad each got their favrouite chocolates.

    Merry Christmas!

    Week 2 statictics

    Kia Ora Bloggers

    Over the past few days my teacher Mrs Akinson has been teaching me and my classmates online.
    For my maths I have been doing statistics. That statistics is shooting a ball into a hoop, basket etc.
    Doesn't seem that hard does it? But it is. There are questions I have to awnser, graphs I have to make and all that sort of stuff.

    Do you know what I made my graphs on?

    Ka Kite see you next time!😀

    Wednesday, April 15, 2020

    My first Google Hangout meeting with Mrs Arkinson and all the other bits in my day

    Kia Ora Bloggers!

    Today I did my first Zoom meeting with my awesome teacher Mrs Atkinson she is my teacher for litracy and writing. My first meeting at 9:30 - 10:00 sometimes a bit over.
    My second meeting is for math and it is at 1:00 - 1:30 sometimes a bit over.

    For my math work today a Dot Tally on ALL the food in my house witch included Meat,Veggies, Fruit and Dairy.

    Do you know what a Dot Tally is? My mum is a teacher at the school I go to and she teaches year 7-8 and she didn't know what a Dot Tally was! If you do know what a Dot Tally is where did you learn it?
    Tell me in the comments!

    Ka Kite see you next time!

    Monday, April 6, 2020

    Bricks, Blocks and Baking.

    Kia Ora Bloggers!

    Yesterday I did a lot of things, I did things like this: Colouring in my house, Made a dance party, and then I made cookies.

    First I will show you my house, it's quite colourful! I used chalk colours I only had 5! The colours were Red, yellow, green, blue and purple.

    and then I made dance party using code. I also used Code.Org Here is the video of it

    Before dinner I made cookies. They are big and goey in the middle and crispy on the edges. Yum! Yum! Yum!

    Have you baked anything during the lockdown? If you have what did you bake?

    Ka Kite, see you next time.

    What do you get when you cross a puzzle, a pie and a penguin?

    Morning Bloggers!

    What have you been up to? Have you been keeping busy? I have!
    The puzzzle. It's a 500 piece 3D puzzle of Hogwarts. It took about a week to make. I thought this puzzle was pretty hard because it is 3D and when you think you've got the right piece and you tilt it and it changes!

    I was really hard but we completed it.

    in the afternoon I drew a Penguin with Mum and Grandad. We used a tutorial. Art.Simple YouTube channel

    And then I made dinner with Mum's help, it was one of my many favrouite dinners: Pie!

    My younger sister Zoe did the words and I did the Virus. Have you made pie before? If you have what did you put in it? I put chicken, leek, bacon, mushroom, a totally deliciously yummy sauce that included flour, milk, chicken stock cubes and seasoning salt and pepper.
    What have you been up to?

    Ka Kite see you next time!

    Thursday, April 2, 2020

    My Rug Making Challange

    Welcome back to my Blog Bloggers!

    Today I have started to make a rug with my Grandmas help. At first it was pretty hard but as I did more loops it got easier.
    Here is a picture of my rug so far

    Everyday we do more rows and hopefully if we do enough rows a day then we will finish the picture by the end of the week!

    Have you ever made a rug before?
    Incase you're wondering it is a Knit and  Stitich Latch Hook Kit.

    What have you been doing for the last few days?

    Ka Kite see you next time!

    Wednesday, April 1, 2020

    Day#4 Mum’s home school! (Day #6 of lock down)

    Kia Ora Bloggers,
    Yesterday I was busy so I missed the post for that day so I'm making yesterdays one today as well as todays work.

    Yesterday Mum gave Grandad and I another art lesson. Here is my art.
    Do you like it?                                           

    What animal do you think it is?                   
    I also did a scratch project.
    Do you like my Orchestra?
    Link to Scratch  Orcestra

    Ka Kite See you next time!

    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Day#2 Mum’s home school! (Day #4 of lock down)

    Kia Ora Bloggers!
    Today I didn't really do much but here is what I did

    First I did some drawing with Mum

    Do you know what animal it is? Tell me what animal it is in the comments.

    Then I made delicious brownies with Zoe

    I'm having Brownies and Ice- cream for dessert tonight.    YUM! YUM! YUM!
    Do you like brownies and Ice- cream?

    And then Grandad Peter, Dad, Mum, Mika and I went to the forest.

    It was painful because I fell in the brambles on the way back down.

    And then I gave a Giant Panda a hug to finish of my day.

     Did you know that you can get to see augmented 3D animals on the net? It's so cool!
    Ka Kite see you next time!

    Thursday, March 26, 2020

    Day#1 Mum’s home school! (Day #3 of lock down)

    Kia Ora Bloggers!
    Today I've been doing a lot of things. This morning I did Mathletics, (an online math game) Read my book Molly Moon and the Incredibe book of hypnotisim, Listened to a David Walliams story while eating a snack and then I made a fitness course that everybody did - even Grandma and Grandad!!

    Mum then taught a art lesson. What do you think I am trying to draw?We used Charcoal. Have you used charcoal before?

    This afternoon we went Den Building in the forest and took our puppy Mika for a walk

    I'm going to cook Lamb on the BBQ make a salad and oven some potatoes.
    What have you been up to today?

    Ka kite, see you tomorrow.

    Wednesday, March 25, 2020

    Day #2 of 25 Day Drawing Challange

    Wednesday 25 March

    Kia ora bloggers!

    Today there is still no school as there won't be for the next 4 weeks!
    Here is my Day #2 Drawing Challange. Today's challenge was to draw your favourite animal.
    I think I did quite well. What do you think?

    Do you know what animal it is? If you have a guess tell me in the comments, and I'll tell you if it's right or wrong.

    Thank you for reading my post.

    Ka kite,
    See you next time.

    Tuesday, March 24, 2020

    Day #1 of 25 Day Drawing Challange

    Tuesday 24 March

    Since there is no school at the moment because of Covid- 19 i've been doing my home tasks that my teachers have set for me.
    One of those tasks is a 25 Day Drawing Challange.
    This is challange 1/25

    The Challange was to DRAW A PICTURE OF YOURSELF.
    Do you like it?
    Have you ever drawn a self- potrait? If you have let me know in the comments below. If you can put it in the comments bellow with your awnser.

    ? Who is this person?

    Kia Ora Bloggers,

    Here is some work I have done for writing. We've been learning how to do descriptive writing. A good piece of descriptive writing has a lot of adjectives or adverbs but not too many or it sounds silly.

     Guess who I'm talking about. It is one of the teachers at school.

    It's not finished yet though so...
    Tell me who I'm talking about and how I could describe this person a bit more
    in the comments below.

    Thank you for reading my post.
    Ka Kite see you next time!

    Monday, March 23, 2020


    This is my Inquiry Animation.

    It's not quite finished yet.
    I hope you enjoy it!

    Have you ever gone back generations to find out more about your history?
    If you haven't have a go, listen to stories from your pearants or grandparents.
    You never know maybe your Great Great Great Granddad was President of the United States.

    If you have any suggestions on how I could make it better Tell me in the comments bellow.

    Friday, March 13, 2020

    Descriptive Writing - Who is this?

    Hi I'm back and I've got more things to share with you!

    For writing this week we have been toing discriptive writing.
    This is my discriptive writing.
    I'm very proud of it and it was so much fun to make!
    Have you ever done a piece of discriptive writing?

    Friday, March 6, 2020

    Bouncing Ball

    Hi I'm Izzy and I have started an animation, but it's not finished yet. Have you ever made an animation?
    Please tell me in the comments. For my DLO ( Digital Learning Object ) I used Google Slides.